7. The Toilet

Drama zum Thema Hygiene

von  Mutter

Two young men enter a public bathroom. They walk up to the urinals, side by side. The sound of trousers being unzipped is audible.
Both men seem to urinate.

FERGUS (sighs): Ah, dear God – I’d thought I was gonna burst.

DAVE: Fuck, man, you tell me.

FERGUS: Has the old man talked to ya? About the assignment?

DAVE: Yeah, he has. Any idea where we might be lookin’ for the bastard?

FERGUS: Haven’t got a fuckin’ clue. All I know is that we’re meant to be careful. Really careful. He‘s done in a couple of motherfuckers already.

DAVE: Yeah, somebody was sayin’ he’s a right bar steward. A mean motherfucker – accordin’ to them.

FERGUS: You know where the meet-up is supposed to be?

DAVE: Trout wrote it down for me. No worries.

DAVE pats the pocket in the front of his shirt.

FERGUS (shakes vigorously): Big guy, is he?

DAVE: A mountain, Seamus said. Fuckin’ giant. Big hands, too.

FERGUS: Well, you know what they fuckin’ say: Big hands, small dick.

Both of them laugh.
THE MACHINE appears behind them, standing there and watching impassively. The two are still laughing.
FERGUS zips up his trousers and turns around.

FERGUS: Holy mother of God!

DAVE’s head whips around, eyes wide open.
THE MACHINE hits FERGUS, who drops silently to the ground.

DAVE: For God’s sake, don’t fuckin’ kill me. I don’t even know him.

DAVE frantically tries to close his zipper. THE MACHINE shoots a fist to his throat. DAVE drops gurgling, his hands still at his crotch.
THE MACHINE bents down and takes something from Dave’s shirt pocket.
THE MACHINE leaves the toilet.

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parkplatzbison (29)
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 Mutter meinte dazu am 02.12.09:
Ja, Manchester liegt etwas zu weit rechts ... ;)

Und ja - zu lange.
Oder zu kurz, je nachdem, durch welche Seite der Milchglasscheibe man schaut. :D
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