
Gedicht zum Thema Veränderung

von  ThalayaBlackwing

Awaking from a dream
Of a storm to come
I do not understand

I open my eyes
See a storm to form

I feel it
Deep in my soul
Father just died

I look to my brother
He sleeps
He does not know yet

He will carry the burden
Of our father's death
Not knowing I already know

Dear brother
I cannot tell you
I already know

You have to be the grown up
When you only were a teen
For me and our clan

But not now
You sleep
A smile on your face

I leave our cave
I just learned how to fly
I went to our cliff

There I feel it again
A storm to come
To change the world

I fell asleep
Dream of the storm
Stormcrow I am

Thalaya of Whiteclaw

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