

von  Pearl

You were always so cool and sophisticated
But you couldn't hide from no one your soft heart
You were a philosopher, a man of letters
And your beautiful face hit me like Vermeers' art

All the girls wanted to be with you, you were a star
I was no exception in this play
First I felt a resentment, because I loved from the start
Then for some reason I became yours

You said that you felt like a bohemien, you were so happy
And Vienna was just another girl who fell in love with you
You came from another time, you were a dandy
I didn't know that there was so much that you were going through

You are Eurydice and like Ulysses you unharboured your ship
My world turns in the wrong direction since you left
In the most beautiful line of my story your death is an ellipse
Beautiful boy, I'll see you when I go west

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