
Lost angel


von  Pearl

I live in a city, a city full of angels
Here we don't argue all the time
Love spreads out to every angle
And everyone is fine and nice

I have been living here since my birth
My mother had a dream that night
In the hospital she dreamed that I would die
Oh, and like an angel she cried

Some angels left, some angels stayed
So in my heart I was less lonely
A kid who laughed and smiled and played
I moved like the angels: slowly

They were invisible to the adults' eyes
They hugged me, kissed me, stayed with me
They talked always softly like bees
And they named me Stefanie

Some died, but most didn't leave
So that I remain chilled and still
But when I'll make my last breathe
The coldest night with light will be filled

The angels will always stand me by
The sky will be made of chiffon
I will become beautifully shy
When I'll see the lost one, the one that I love

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