On Anthony Gormley's "Critical Mass"

Szene zum Thema Kunst/ Künstler/ Kitsch

von  Macbeth

Illustration zum Text
Anthony Gormley: Critical Mass
(von Bildagentur Schuster)
(A and B walking. They are middle class)
A: And now for a nice stroll through the Royal Academy.
B: I' really looking forward to the waterworks.
A: Waterworks rule.
(B stumbles)
B: What the hell...?
A: Look what's lying there! A Masterpiece!!
B: What's that supposed to be?! Bulky waste?
A: It's Art …
(B sneers)
A: I mean, look at the way it's crafted. That's just extraordinary!
B: Yeah, right. Maybe a drunk blacksmith wanted to prove a point.
A: I read about that in the Observer. It's by a guy called Germly or Gumly or Gimpy or something like that …
B: Oh, yeah, that guy.
A: Yeah. It shows the aftermath of something - terrible … like WAR!
B: Maybe a night of booze. Look at the way they're lying.
A: The article I read said the artist was plastered while doing his work.
B: I'd believe that too.
A: That's what I call dedication to your work.
B: That's what I call idiotic.
A: Ah, you're just too phoney to appreciate that fine piece of craftmanship!
B: On the contrary, maybe you're just too obsessed with trying to find a meaning in a pile of junk.
A: That's no junk! It has become ART!
B: For me, it remains junk. Anyway, shall we go into the gallery now and look at some REAL art?
A: Nah, I'll stay out here and savour the feeling.
B: You're insane...


Of course, the RA is run by the middle-classes and Gormley maybe designed this stuff for the lower classes:

(C and D, both lower class people)
C: Oy, there's trash lying outta the Royal Academy.
D: So what? There's ManU against Chelsea on the Telly. Let's go.


Anmerkung von Macbeth:

Entstanden in Zusammenarbeit mit Werbärnie im Zuge des Englisch Leistungskurs. Der Sketch basiert auf Anthony Gormleys Kunstwerk "Critical Mass", ausgestellt vor der Royal Academy, sowie auf einem Essay von Richard Brooks für die Zeitung "The Observer" und behandelt die unterschiedliche Haltung verschiedener Menschen zur "modernen" Kunst.

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