Big Easy

Songtext zum Thema Stadt


Watch those boys as they chime some shoes.
Listen to the blind guy who sings the Blues.

Big Easy.    The Big Easy.

Down the street are walking two pimps.
Big Mama's in the kitchen, cooking shrimps.

Big Easy.  The Big Easy.

The mailman passes by and also a cop.
I see him disappear in a Donut Shop.

Big Easy.  The Big Easy.

Around the corner in the Liquor Store
you get what you want, and even some more.

Big Easy.  The Big Easy.

There's a deal going down in a backstreet.
They shoot a man down, as he tries to cheat.

Big Easy.  The Big Easy.

In the church they all dance and sing.
None of them hears the big bell ring.

Big Easy.  The Big Easy.

As Katrina comes, they all fight to survive.
Waiting for help, but it doesn't arrive.

Not easy.  No, not easy.

For a couple of days, they all were caught.
The guy in the White House's only thought:

„Big Easy.  The Big Easy.“

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