What on earth is eating you?

Songtext zum Thema Liebe & Schmerz

von  Isabell.Joyeux

What has come over you?
Are you mad?
I beg you!
How long is it since he left you?

Now you've lost me.
There's no point in that.
You owe it to yourself to take a break.
Mark my words!

What has come over you?
Are you mad?
I beg you!
How long is it since he left you?

Don't let on anything.
Don't bother!
Don't worry!
It does not matter.

What has come over you?
Are you mad?
I beg you!
How long is it since he left you?

He does not care.
He has not a spark of decency.
He was all smiles.
The end is not far off.

What has come over you?
Are you mad?
I beg you!
How long is it since he left you?

Live and let live.
Her eyes were filled with tears.
Such is life!
Life is fatal!

What has come over you?
Are you mad?
I beg you!
How long is it since he left you?


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