
Gedankengedicht zum Thema Vater/ Väter

von  kleineKiwi

So now when it's Christmas - time I’m thinking about you

Staying in your church telling them ‘bout him

Beloved son of the world

And I guess you tell them to love him

As much as you do

Gave their life to him and for him

Just as you would do

And you probably tell them how much God loves them

That he sacrificed his only son

So we all can gain his love and forgiving 

I bet everybody understand

Thinking about their own loved children

And I guess I do… I understand

I just wondered if you ever told them

about your only daughter

And how you forgot about  her

How you sacrificed her 

For some peace of mind

Maybe it would ruin your preach telling them

But it could gain some veracity …

I always thought Christmas would be about that too

Love , promises and honesty

But I never was a priest …

I never was something more than a daughter

Anmerkung von kleineKiwi:

klingt härter als es gemeint ist vielleicht .... zumindest klingt es nach weniger liebe als da ist

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