for eternity

Gedichtgedicht zum Thema Freundschaft

von  kleineKiwi

Its five a.m. , I can not sleep
you asked for something to last…to keep
and I just get what to do
so now I'm catching dreams for you

first one's simple
its one with a star
well…cause that’s just what you are

the second's sparkling and golden
its all filled with light
because you shine so precious and bright

third one's real big
a meadow of flowers which grow to recall
one for each single tear that will fall

next comes a box with doors
countless , little and kept real tight
behind them a kiss for every goodnight

the last one' s a prayer
a wish for a chain
a band of our souls to remain

and it's a promise as well
wherever we get when this life is through
whatever will be … I'll always find you

Anmerkung von kleineKiwi:

für getrocknete tränen und lachen,
ratschläge und stilles zuhören ...
dass du mich so oft glücklich machst ,
einfach weil du bist wie du bist ...
für alles

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