Every Lovesong visits Brighton

Skizze zum Thema Erinnerung

von  DanceWith1Life

walks along the pebble shore
dreams with You, but asks for more

every poem walks through Brighton
as if looking at the waves
visits dreams and words like souveniers
envelopes another meaning
walks the beach with You

every time it rains in Brighton
that umbrella that we shared
changes every here and there
finds another pub in Brighton
closed but cheap
good coffeee is still rare

dreaming envelopes of love in Brighton
the fate of flowers
me, my own head
painted sunflower everywhere
the heavy head they wear
winding through rain tumblemornings
vulnerable fair, echoes timed with
lights of Brighton
one is busy, the other one not there

when we walked the streets of Brighton
pebbles memoriezed a coast
we are guests here
everywhere in Brighton
and the ocean is our host

every time i think of Brighton
a flowers head walks with the sun
raised anew with steps of fun

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