Gesang eines Frauenliteraturforums
von toltec-head
Kommentare zu diesem Text
Hallo toltec-head,
wunderbarer Text. Alles in sich schlüssig. Lediglich Kreis als Reim auf Scheiss finde ich nicht ganz so gelungen. Hier erschiene mir Steiss deutlich griffiger. Für die Weiterentwicklung deiner bereits sehr ausgereiften universexuellolitischen Kompotenz empfehle ich dir einen kleinen [exturl=]Geheimtipp[/exturl].
Weiter so und liebe Grüße, princess
(Kommentar korrigiert am 20.10.2012)
wunderbarer Text. Alles in sich schlüssig. Lediglich Kreis als Reim auf Scheiss finde ich nicht ganz so gelungen. Hier erschiene mir Steiss deutlich griffiger. Für die Weiterentwicklung deiner bereits sehr ausgereiften universexuellolitischen Kompotenz empfehle ich dir einen kleinen [exturl=]Geheimtipp[/exturl].
Weiter so und liebe Grüße, princess
(Kommentar korrigiert am 20.10.2012)
Danke für den Geheimtipp, Princess. Aber: Hormonyoga für Männer in der Menopause nach einem von einer Frau ausgearbeiteten Arbeitsprogramm? Sry da bin ich etwas skeptisch.
Darf ich mich aber mit einem anderen kleinen Geheimtipp revanchieren:
Schön find ich dies:
"During his lifetime, the historical Buddha was plagued by a chronic misogyny; of this, in the face of numerous documents, there cannot be slightest doubt. His woman-scorning sayings are disrespectful, caustic and wounding. “One would sooner chat with demons and murderers with drawn swords, sooner touch poisonous snakes even when their bite is deadly, than chat with a woman alone” (quoted by Bellinger, 1993, p. 246), he preached to his disciples, or even more aggressively, “It were better, simpleton, that your sex enter the mouth of a poisonous snake than that it enter a woman. It were better, simpleton, that your sex enter an oven than that it enter a woman” (quoted by Faure, 1994, p. 72). Enlightenment and intimate contact with a woman were not compatible for the Buddha. “But the danger of the shark, ye monks, is a characteristic of woman”, he warned his followers (quoted by Hermann-Pfand, 1992, p. 51). At another point, with abhorrence he composed the following:
Those [who] are not wise
Act like animals
Racing toward female forms
Like hogs toward mud
Because of their ignorance
They are bewildered by women, who
Like profit seekers in the marketplace
Deceive those who come near
(quoted by D. Paul, 1985, p. 9)
Buddha’s favorite disciple, Ananda, more than once tried to put to his Teacher the explicit desire by women for their own spiritual experience, but the Master’s answers were mostly negative. Ananda was much confused by this refractoriness, indeed it contradicted the stated view of his Master that all forms of life, even insects, could achieve Buddhahood. “Lord, how should we behave towards women?”, he asked the Sublimity — “Not look at them!” — “But what if we must look at them?” — “Not speak to them” — “But what if we must speak to them?” — “Keep wide awake!” (quoted by Stevens, 1990, p. 45)"
Das große Interesse von Frauen an östlichen Weisheitslehren ist schon ein wenig komisch. Jesus war großzügiger. Nach dem Thomas-Evangelium soll das Himmelreich doch auch für Frauen erreichbar sein. Freilich nur, wenn sie zuvor wie Männer werden.
(Antwort korrigiert am 20.10.2012)
Darf ich mich aber mit einem anderen kleinen Geheimtipp revanchieren:
Schön find ich dies:
"During his lifetime, the historical Buddha was plagued by a chronic misogyny; of this, in the face of numerous documents, there cannot be slightest doubt. His woman-scorning sayings are disrespectful, caustic and wounding. “One would sooner chat with demons and murderers with drawn swords, sooner touch poisonous snakes even when their bite is deadly, than chat with a woman alone” (quoted by Bellinger, 1993, p. 246), he preached to his disciples, or even more aggressively, “It were better, simpleton, that your sex enter the mouth of a poisonous snake than that it enter a woman. It were better, simpleton, that your sex enter an oven than that it enter a woman” (quoted by Faure, 1994, p. 72). Enlightenment and intimate contact with a woman were not compatible for the Buddha. “But the danger of the shark, ye monks, is a characteristic of woman”, he warned his followers (quoted by Hermann-Pfand, 1992, p. 51). At another point, with abhorrence he composed the following:
Those [who] are not wise
Act like animals
Racing toward female forms
Like hogs toward mud
Because of their ignorance
They are bewildered by women, who
Like profit seekers in the marketplace
Deceive those who come near
(quoted by D. Paul, 1985, p. 9)
Buddha’s favorite disciple, Ananda, more than once tried to put to his Teacher the explicit desire by women for their own spiritual experience, but the Master’s answers were mostly negative. Ananda was much confused by this refractoriness, indeed it contradicted the stated view of his Master that all forms of life, even insects, could achieve Buddhahood. “Lord, how should we behave towards women?”, he asked the Sublimity — “Not look at them!” — “But what if we must look at them?” — “Not speak to them” — “But what if we must speak to them?” — “Keep wide awake!” (quoted by Stevens, 1990, p. 45)"
Das große Interesse von Frauen an östlichen Weisheitslehren ist schon ein wenig komisch. Jesus war großzügiger. Nach dem Thomas-Evangelium soll das Himmelreich doch auch für Frauen erreichbar sein. Freilich nur, wenn sie zuvor wie Männer werden.
(Antwort korrigiert am 20.10.2012)
Bei deiner hohen Lernbereitschaft will ich dich nicht ohne weiteren [exturl=] Tipp[/exturl] lassen. Alles Liebe!
Jack (33)
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Philosophische Systeme sollten wir uns von ihnen aber nicht erhoffen
@toltec head: Wenn das stimmt, gibt es dafür eine einfache Erklärung. Sie interpretieren die Welt nicht, sie leben sie.
Leben? Niederer Wahn...