back on boogie street

Kurzgedicht zum Thema Leere

von  kilroy

last night I got high
my head in the sky
the sky in my head
in the morning I was dead

Anmerkung von kilroy:


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Kommentare zu diesem Text

 TrekanBelluvitsh (28.12.13)
There's a lot in the night waiting for you. But to be honest: It's seldom the truth!
So don't get high!
Just get the night!

 kilroy meinte dazu am 29.12.13:
since I am convinced that there is more than just one truth, I'll keep on searching ;)


 TrekanBelluvitsh antwortete darauf am 29.12.13:
Oh yes! More than one truth. You're right.
But every day there's just one night.
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