U Ok Qul in UK - Befreiungsschlager

Hymne zum Thema Liebe und Sehnsucht

von  pentz

O Sole mio dela Sol
O Sole mio
O Sol de mama mia
dela Sol
I get used to U
I feel free with U
I can count on U

I can relax with U
U can be sure with me
and count on me

before we ’re dead and gone,
we had fun, fun, fun…
nothing takes it’s toll to me
drives me totally crazy,
makes me fall apart
and pulls away from U


U may say, we are poor, sure,
but we are not the only one,
and after all nothing, nothing
compares to us, oh year! Qui!
Je t’aime! U ’re the playground
of my life, the freedom of my
soul and the peace of my crazy
mind, my heart of gold, only U!
Du bist das Gewicht, was...; was
meine Leere ausfüllt bist Du, Du
zählt’s. so bist U schwer, I wie U,
so sag ich nur: O I, Qui, Iah and U -
that’s really, really true – oh Qu!
You are in UK, but I’m with U,
so I’ m Ok and that’s that true
I feel free with U, can count on,
relax with, dead and gone fun,
fun, fun…fan from U, U, U are Qul!

Ui U!

© werner pentz

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