When the world is upside down

Erlebnisgedicht zum Thema Krisen

von  katzemithut

When the world is upside down

When the world is upside down,
we  ll  be shopping  brandnew jeans
cause instead of saving climate
we'll cling to our routines.
If we miss the chance to change,
We will  leave a burned-up ground.

When the world is upside down,
when the world is upside down.
When the world is upside down,
when the world is upside down.

When the world is upside down,
crooks will show up in disguise
they'll be trying to deceive 
and be spreading  dangerous lies.
Truth is what they will kill first -
and the fools will wear a crown.

When the world is upside down,
when the world is upside down.
When the world is upside down,
when the world is upside down.

Facing tipping points we'll fail,
and we'll bring  the whole house down,
we will fade out and enjoy ourselves
like psychopathic clowns -
we'll sell passports to the rich
and we'll let the poor ones drown,
and that pretty  word called "crisis"
it will be the bestknown noun -
and me I'll fall in love with you,
I really do,
will you ever come around
if the world is upside down.

When the world is upside down,
we might lose our loving care,
resignation and indifference
they would lead us to nowhere.
How be strong enough to keep
this  from coming into town?

When the world is upside down,
when the world is upside down.
When the world is upside down,
when the world is upside down.

Anmerkung von katzemithut:

fertiggeschrieben anlässlich der Meldung
zu den 1,5 Grad Erwärmung 2030 -
die Liedbaustelle gibt es schon länger als 1 Jahr -
im August 2019 veröffentlichte ich das Album
"Verkehrte Welt" - das setzt sich hier in gewisser Weise fort...

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