[ Lilium & Iblis ]

Legende zum Thema Natur

von  Schwarzflamme

A long time ago, in a country that is no more, there were two rivers called Lilium and Iblis.

The river of Lilium stretched far and wide from the remote countries of the east to the center of the continent. In its depth, different creatures were thriving, beautiful fish and amphibians, fragile plants, exotic insects and various birds. Its calm waters invited travel by boat and provided the people with all they needed for agriculture and trade. Lilium supported all kinds of life and was therefore cherished as a caring mother of all the beings that inhabited the lands.

The river of Iblis originated from the highest mountains of the north and made its way southway through the lands with unimaginable force. Its mighty waters crushed boulders and carried their remains, eroding them into beautiful stones that could be picked up at the shores. Only the most robust fish could fight against the stream, and only the biggest and toughest creatures of the forests dared to step into it. Its wild waters were able to power the mills the humans built alongside the river and provided them with the means to manufacture all kinds of goods. Iblis was strong and dangerous and was therefore cherished as a strict father that would help you build your house, but could just as easily tare it down in one swift flood.

As they flowed across the continent, at one point Lilium and Iblis met and poured into one another, carving their way through the lands towards the ocean in the south as one mighty river that remained nameless. In the stories and myths of the humans, the rivers were married to each other, and therefore those mingled waters were both Lilium and Iblis in Union, until several miles down to the south, they split in two again, their divorce creating two small rivers that went on for miles and miles until they eventually ended in the great sea.

The waters of Iblis still contained the waters of Lilium, and with it some of the beautiful fish and fragile plants, as well as feathers of the birds carried through the lands.
The waters of Lilium still contained the waters of Iblis, and with it some of the beautiful rocks and fierceful fish, as well as the scent of the big creatures that once bathed in its harsh coldness.

As both rivers flowed towards their own destiny into the vast ocean, each carried their own name again, recognized by the people as their own selves. But for as long as they flowed, Lilium forever remained a part of Iblis, and Iblis forever remained a part of Lilium.

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 Dieter_Rotmund (20.10.23, 12:03)
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