the palm song #1

Songtext zum Thema Achtung/Missachtung

von  S4SCH4

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I feel it all over
before comming down
suck the fear
highloards wrath
no suprise
its what you want
its what you want
but you wont

sacrifical lamb
in sight
in sight
im right
im so right
fucking right

where to go
i know
nobody wants to know
triggered gun
build to fullfill
justice to theirselves
to theirselves

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 Oops (27.03.24, 09:38)
Dein Stil erinnert mich an Tom Waits, besonders und mutig 😎.

LG Oops

 S4SCH4 meinte dazu am 27.03.24 um 22:23:
Danke Oops, :) bald ist ja Ostern...da gibts wieder Chocolate (&) Jesus,,,

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