
Gedicht zum Thema Lebensbetrachtung

von  ian_grey

A new child was born
and this child was you,
making a dream come true:
That dream that once
will become one of yours,
a circle has just begun!

The night has fallen,
you've seized the day;
tired, full of luck:
old dreams came true,
new dreams came up,
a circle that never should stop!

The day has started,
you've dreamed all night
reaching nice things and thoughts:
old dreams you revived
new dreams you made up,
a circle that never should stop!

This way you're spending
day after day,
finding your own 'true self':
old dreams are to bury,
new dreams to create,
a circle that never should stop!

When you have managed
to find all your love,
to find all your dreams come true
then you have ceased
your lifelong regret:
the circle has finally stopped!

Anmerkung von ian_grey:

~ November 2004 ~

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