
Songtext zum Thema Verzweiflung

von  Nora

Oh it deeply hurts, hearing your heartbreaking words,
coming straight out of your mind.
Please dont reply, i know that all would be a lie
- so dont tell anything to my broken heart -
It won´t stay and
i will say, yes it´s all ok.

But this game, you´ve played, it wasn´t fair..
i´m crying out my desperation
- just turn around, its all said and done-
we missed our destination
while i force to fake a smile.

A supposedly better life only with her,
is all what you prefer
so look at me – im strong and try now a brand new start
but the tears I hide,
when you´re by her side,
tearing me apart...

Yes it deeply hurts, hearing your heartbreaking words


Anmerkung von Nora:

Songtext zu meinem Song "Words" - veröffentlicht auf youtube - wer den Song hören mag, bitte pn an mich :)

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 Schreibfan (02.09.24, 01:05)
I like it. And i know that. Sometimes you say its ok or accept an apologie, even if its not ok at all. The song reminds me of "dont speak" from no doubt. Is there any music to the lyrics?
Greetings from Schreibfan
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