The last tears

Songtext zum Thema Liebe, vergangene

von  Nora

Can you see these tears, i cry for you
i cried the last long night
now another day is dawning,
but I cant see the light.

The last tears – oh these last tears
they will never dry
on my face you see me smiling,
but they let the inside slowly die.

You let me drown in the ocean,
when my soul was oh so weak,
when my heart was broken into pieces,
and no words were left to speak.

The last tears - oh my last tears,
i know they will never dry.
i see the world is go on turning,
and my life is passing by.

We both ran together, through this empty land called life.
You took my hand you took my heart,
nothing could tear us apart
Together we fought against the fire,
we swam together through the endless sea,
we climbed every mountain,
we flew high and higher,
oh there was only you and me...

And now i have to fight without you,
swim through the endless sea alone,
i will do it all without you
i will do it… alone on my own...

So lets wash away the silence,
when my heart skips a beat,
i see a little light is burning,
while my heart cant stop to bleed.

One day you will cry over me
your last tears will falling in the rain,
you will see how much you meant to me,
and maybe then.. you can feel my pain..

The last tears I cry for you
while the echo calls your name,
the last tears, oh my last tears,
will never be the same...


Anmerkung von Nora:

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