
Gedankengedicht zum Thema Gedanken

von  Mychinos

What deep inside my mind does creep?
If life was nothing but a mess...
What the hell then might we seek?
Where mankind self is numb and weak?

Love?, A fire we insist to feed?
That desperatly we try to keep
controlled in our hands?
but wich constantly demands
to feed, to feed, to feed?
from pure and selfish greed?

May be, they did not understand,
but might be that it´s me...

What of money, or power
that reason why
the poor do wheep, the rightless cry,
for those heartless man that do no see
that all in vain was theire dream of destiny.
How can this be? It should not be!
But may be it is me,
that does this point not see...?
For now just let it be...

And what might we seek of peace?
If it alone is not enough?
When mankind screams:
"Life is just to ruff!
Just a blink of silence, a little peace!"
A thing that they could have at ease!
If only they would look for these
Silent places in there mind:
A lonely lake, some geease; the weather kind...
A place, not to hard for me to find...
So stop to shout, learn how to wispher!
To your brother, to your sister!

But maybe I got something wrong,
me beeing able all along...

Maybee they just can´t...

Anmerkung von Mychinos:

Geschrieben habe ich das hier in meiner Schulzeit. Mitlerweile ist es in wenig eingestaubt. Aber wieso nicht auch den alten Geist in Szene setzen. Das war schließlich einmal ich, der dies zu schreiben für notwendig befand.

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