Out of the Box

Gedankengedicht zum Thema Denken und Fühlen

von  ThalayaBlackwing

Every morning the need to get up
Dress yourself, look good
A glance in the mirror
Old Eyes look back

No time to pause
Fit in
Be normal
Stop thinking

Old Eyes see
Sad and full of pain

Everyone looks the same
Eyes pinned to their smartphones
Blending in?

Feeling uncomfortable
Feeling wrong
The box is not fitting
Getting stuffed inside

Looking different
Feeling good
Feeling FREE!

A broken Heart rejoicing
Ignoring shattered pieces
Ignoring the open wounds
Ignoring the burnt black edges

A normal train
A happy freak
Smiling old Eyes
One destination

Outside the Box
Where they belong
Dancing Souls
Free Spirits

Their home is the world
Their Mother is Nature
Musick is Magick
Magick their Freedome

Outside the Box
They all agree
Nothing is Sacred
Only Nature

Anmerkung von ThalayaBlackwing:

I wrote this poem in the train while traveling to a special concert. It describes my feeling whenever I leave to see that certain band.

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