
Gedankengedicht zum Thema Freude

von  ThalayaBlackwing

I open my eyes
A smile on my face
What a beautiful day

I stand up
I strech my wings
Morning dust over the meadow
I start to fly

Sunlight on my black wings
The wind plays with me
Leaves chase me
The whispers of nature follow me

"Good morning, brother"
I say and wake up
Him who was still sleeping
"Sleepy head wake up"

I circle and wait
For my older brother
To follow me
To our cliff

I just land there
Sit and enjoy
Sun and water
Wind and cliff

"I am happy, brother"
And I really am
"I hope it will be
ever as today"

And there we sat
In silience
And pure happiness
Whenever the sun shines.

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