Sappho's Dive

Sonett zum Thema Liebeskummer/ Liebesleid

von  Roger-Bôtan

Sappho, you followed your ecstatic impulse
and climbed a promontory on the shore
and froze up there aghast, because you saw
it was neither Parnassus nor Olympus.

You heard no raving cheers, no flutes or cymbals,
you saw no Pegasus for you to soar
above the clouds until his back was sore
and not a single goddess with a nimbus.

Oh star-crossed woman! What a woeful fate!
Your bitterness was added to the salt
of the unrestful brine that roared below.

The memory of your dive will never fade.
No doubt it was a splendid somersault,
but it was also Sappho’s final show.

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Kommentare zu diesem Text

 Graeculus (22.10.21)
Ich hoffe, man versteht es. Und damit meine ich nicht das Englisch.

 Roger-Bôtan meinte dazu am 22.10.21:
Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass die meisten Leser durchaus humorempfindlich sind.

 Graeculus antwortete darauf am 22.10.21:
Humorbereit schon, aber das Leben der Sappho?

 Roger-Bôtan schrieb daraufhin am 22.10.21:
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