[Red Maiden]

Gedicht zum Thema Leidenschaft

von  Schwarzflamme

Fair Maiden ye, hearken these words.
Bethink thyself of them in dire straits.

Call me the larcener who longs for thy heed,
for a slice of thy heart with passion and greed.
Thy fiery mane glowing as cinder,
And ivory skin alike eternal winter.
It's peccant and foolish, yet do I wonder
Why yearning for thee tares me asunder.

A marvel like thee can't elsewhere be found,
no maiden alike, as fierce, strong and proud.
Oh grant me a moment just to be nigh
Thy beauty and presence that can't be denied.
Just one loving touch from the heavens above.
Thereunto shall i confess thee my love.

- End -

Anmerkung von Schwarzflamme:

Mein Versuch in altertümlichem, "shakespearian english" zu schreiben.

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