
Interpretation zum Thema Musik

von  Pearl

Never the Mrs. always the mistress

I'm listenining to the song and it triggers

experiences which many of us had

A women's shell: it was meat for them, dead

Love is a pretty, pretty word but oh! so seldom

Sexuality sometimes is a pearl taken

by a rude and ruthless hand

Surfaces from this place the wish to be dead?

As if she were the moon Lana gets dark

I always knew she is not just a singer but art

who speaks about a loss of innocence

and how women get locked up in a castle of criticism

It's not the poet's low self-love, it's about her being pure

This is the anthem of a they-call-it- whore

showing off a culture which hits its women instead of caressing them

It's real poetry, it is experience

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