No other death! (a tribute)

Gedankengedicht zum Thema Abschied

von  Vego

It loved it,
that animals,
the life! 

It respected,
its way of life,
its danger,
its territories! 

Its life,
was fulfilled,
was joyful,
was its! 

Never wanted,
damage it someone,
disturb it,
it another death! 

that it loved,
that it respected,
live let that it

Killed it,
but it loves remains forgives it nevertheless,
but it one with them,
but it them. 

Steve Irwin,
we think of you,
we help further,
we thank you! 

It died,
not for nothing,
not alone,
not solitarily!

No other death,
it would have endured,
would have allowed it,
would have wanted it!

Anmerkung von Vego:

It´s a tribute for Steve Irwin, he died, 4th September 2006, we will never forget you!

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