My home are the hills and mountains

Songtext zum Thema Heimat

von  Omnahmashivaya

Sitting on the veranda,
in front of my house,
thinking of my past.

There were times of trouble,
times of sunshine,
and there was the time with you.

My home are the hills and mountains,
a land with woods and seas,
rivers and wide open spaces.

Now sitting on the step,
in front of my house,
a twentyfive familybuilding
and thinking of all the
good and bad times of my life.

My home are still the hills and mountains,
a land with woods and seas,
rivers and wide open spaces.

Sitting on a stone,
in front of a big forest,
thinking of all the troubels,
of the broken hearts,
about my life and you ...

And with my heart I am still there,
in the place with hills and mountains,
rivers and seas, wide open spaces

and you ...

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Kommentare zu diesem Text

JeanDark (21)
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 NormanM. (14.12.07)
Today i am motivated to speak english because of the scotish guy, although have not talked to him today.
The text is nice, it sounds like a ballade, have you a melody for it, yet?

Regards Norman
HedgeGarfield (27)
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