sudden wake

Liebesbrief zum Thema Denken und Fühlen

von  DanceWith1Life

looks like heavy rain on tired shoulders, with no1 to talk to.
friends are far away,
they told You not to seek them.
In the night,
dreams return, with shared answers.
neither mine nor asked for.
spirit dances like snowflake in front of the cat.
my growling senses shut silent.
seeking every inch of warmth they can reach.
Neither the sun nor the moon light up.
even so it is not dark at all.
love has become a  shuttered word,
with anxious feelings to hide.
Such I started to dream of a place way from all of this.
Not even being aware of the call from inside.

I don't know, wether I will see U soon.
I can't even stand the strangeness in the mirror.
But I do know of changes that happened.
By no accident.
All sampled with fear.
fear is the great collector here.
And the words are not for the love.
Thats why the silence is loud as traffic.
hidden in harshness and despair.
No longer being alive is the miracle.
We have lost our toys and started crying
a very long time ago.

I miss this sweet sensation.
but it feels like a sight of no return.
the great wheel did not stop there.
No longer can I call it back.

I will wake alone.

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LeilahLilienruh (45)
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 DanceWith1Life meinte dazu am 31.03.08:
Ich bin echt froh über diese Rückmeldung, denn ich war mir selten so unsicher, weil einfach aus dem Bauch heraus geschrieben, vielleicht ein Lied daraus machen, mal sehen.
LeilahLilienruh (45) antwortete darauf am 31.03.08:
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