This song unsung

Skizze zum Thema Lebensweg

von  DanceWith1Life

We never know
this little flame of breath
when budding spring
surrounds the naked earth
like blushing riverbeds
awaited  water tastes
so fresh, will paint it  true
a fragrant tapestry of blossom,

deep flowered wings
then grown into
the summer lawns
keep marching on
keep singing loud
keep feeling proud
of nothing but a day
tomorrow known as hay.

then lets await
the autumn colored rings
with birds of destiny done high
lets listen careful
all painted melodies
that reap our skies
and keep it warm until we die.

The lady is in rear
white star shine holds
the winters castanets
and colder freedom
with brighter sleep than death.

will some one wake us?
or is it gone and done
within the snowflakes chest.

Anmerkung von DanceWith1Life:

Some species sing
iWhales auf YouTube:

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