Celtic Warrior

Gedankengedicht zum Thema Tod

von  ThalayaBlackwing

I am standing here
I know I will die
Sword in me hand

Peace is a long forgotten past
I can't really remember that time
It won't return for me

I only wish for me people
Peace to return
I will fight for our right

I have fought many a battles
I have won more than one war
I will win this one but not survive

I know I will die here
Me time has come
Morrigan calls me home

I will lead me people in to that last battle
Me, a daughter of man
I am a warrior

The sword in me hand
Men and women following my command
Trust in their eyes

I see them fall
Die to protect their families
Die for peace to return

The first wave is beaten
So many of our friends are dead
But we will stay strong

I climb up that hill
I see our foes to form a new wave
I look back at me fellow friends

The croaking of crows over me head
The wind swirling around us
Filling us with strength

My eyes wander over the battlefield
So many dead
So many will follow

Me bloody sword raised
A war cry on me lips
I embrace me fate

I died through a sword of a foe
Once been a friend
So long ago

I took with me
many a foes
Me sword killed them all

Now I lay here dying
No quick death is mine
I killed him who killed me

I hear me friends dying
I hear me foes crying
I hear me people win

Now I can close me eyes
I hear no more
only one single crow

It's her, Morrigan
She frees me soul
Me duty's done

I will return
I will be reborn
Again as a Celtic warrior.

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 DariusTech (20.08.12)

I am shaking of my goosepimples. Shandri and me love it.
lg Darius
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