Homeward Bound

Gedicht zum Thema Heimweg/ Heimkehr

von  DariusTech

In this world
grass is green
sky is blue
and the ocean, too
forests burst with life

But it's not
not like home

It feels like a paler shade
of another green
of another blue
of clouds more physical
and forests more alive

I am walking through
the offstage of
something bigger
something wilder

endless landscapes
forests filled with creatures
unknown to human eyes

Can you see them sister?
Can you see these colours?

I long for my wings
to carry me over these mountains
to carry me through these clouds again

I want to feel my native land
under my white claws
Claws to big to ever know shoes
Yet, lighter, stealthier
than these clumsy feet

My soul cries for home
My mind is scared of all these
pictures and feelings
bursting in my heart
afraid to get lost
hopeful to find
But my soul sings
the ancient songs

Home is calling me sister
We are but strangers in this place
Will you join me sister?
Can we find the gate
to go back home?

Silver strands
to fine to see
a giant cobweb
joining all and everything

Which strand will lead us home?

We had to find each other
We have...
We had to start to remember
We did..
We have to trust in each other
in our Guides
in our souls
let's do it...

"And then again we fly
over meadows green
and forests wild"

Anmerkung von DariusTech:

Dies ist eine Antwort auf  Thalaya Blackwings Gedicht

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