Life Without Family

Gedanke zum Thema Einsamkeit

von  Jolie

It’s the hardest.
It’s the love you can’t give.
It’s the strength you’re not given.
It’s the missing of someone being proud of you.
Of someone loving you unconditionally.
It’s the yearning for someone just being there, no matter what, no matter when, no matter where.
It’s the grief for a home you can't return to.
It’s cold sometimes.
It’s when you feel alone.
It’s when you wanna cry on someones shoulder but there is none.
It’s something noone can replace.
It’s shelter you’ll never have.
It’s the hardest.
It’s the missing of sharing your life, your experiences, your happy or sad moments. Your heartbreaks, your love, your achievements, your dreams, your goals, your everything.
Noone there to save you.
It's when you have to save yourself.

Anmerkung von Jolie:

And I don't need your pity, I just want you to understand.

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 TrekanBelluvitsh (16.07.15)
(In my understanding "familiy" means people you call "familiy", nothing that depends on blood.)

No man is an island. We're told to be strong for one simple reason: We ain't strong! We are just human beings. We need to care and need the care. Everything else leads us astray, to chaos and bloodshed.

 Jolie meinte dazu am 17.07.15:
You can interpret, I want people to read my words and find something in them that feels familiar..
(To me it's about not having mother and father)
Makes me feel hollow sometimes.
Don't know how to be strong when I'm not.
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