

von  Pearl

You know the Kid that has it all together
that tried to make it better

He wants to die, he wants to die
and i cry, i said 
i cry

i see my younger self
but mostly i see the one whose absence is felt

and i don't know why I'm still into life

i want them to stay, i want them to be alive
because of themselves, but the selfish cause

is that i want them to rescue us all

it doesn't matter if they get high on love or on drugs
These Kids had it all together in a world that has it not

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 lugarex (21.06.24, 07:29)
These Kids had it all together in a world that has it not
that's true

Love elgé

Kommentar geändert am 21.06.2024 um 07:29 Uhr

 Pearl meinte dazu am 21.06.24 um 09:17:
Thank you for the understanding.

<3 Stefanie
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