Gedankengedicht zum Thema Rache

von  püttchen

I see you lying down my feet
Blood running down your body
Makes me smile
It’s good to hurt you
Like you hurt me
You were killing me so often
Now it’s my turn
I just want to give you the chance
To know how i felt all the time
I don’t hate you
I love you, my dear
Do you want to see my scars?
It’s your work
I just want to make you happy
Just try to give you the answer of your question:
„Hey hiney. How do you feel?“
Now you know
And is it good? DO you enjoy?
Pain makes you strong
Perhaps in you next life
I won’t miss you my dear
Just going to earn the money
Good bye, we will see us in hell
And REST IN PIECES, motherfucker!

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