Just watching the rain fall


von  deflyn23

I'm just watching the rain fall, you know. Listening to bvdub. Feeling detached from everything. Kind of like in puberty. Strange, how time runs away and still nothing moves. All is one is one is one, they say. How true.

Just came back from a quick walk. Soaked by the rain. All is wet. Reeking lively. I like the contrast of the pouring rain outside and the warm and dry inside of my cosy flat. I get dull from it, it sucks me in. I surrender.

I'm just watching the rain fall, you know. Haven't done so in a damn long while. Missed it. Feeling my back hurt. Feeling my ears feeding on the warm analogue synth sounds. Gives me deepness to dive into while remaining dry. Reminds me of cotton.

Sitting here for what feels like hours. Now the music fades but the rain is still falling. Just let it happen, too tired to switch the record. See the water on the street rising higher. How the cars wet passersby from below while they hold their umbrellas above their heads.

I'm just watching the rain fall, you know. Listening to bvdub. You know his stuff? Pretty good listen if you like watching the rain fall. Watching how all ever moves and still remains in its everlasting patterns. All progress is mere illusion. Life's such a heavy burden. Such a light, painful burden.

Anmerkung von deflyn23:

Bvdub - Don't say you know

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