My song

Innerer Monolog zum Thema Lebensbetrachtung

von  Nora

To comfort a wounded heart and soul is not impossible!
For me, only music can comfort me.

Music - my song - my own - it was written only for me!

Music - it carries the melody of my heart - moves me the scale of my life up and down - shows me, that every decision will speed up or slow down the notes in my song, but it always tells me, that it doesnt matter, whether it is played in minor or major, as long as I can sing along.. it never lets me down... it´s my song.. and it is just me, who can hear it, who can feel it and who knows the lyrics...

So let me sing it with all my heart... with all my soul...  - even if I will leave the stage... in the middle of the song... who knows...

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Graeculus (69)
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 Nora meinte dazu am 26.08.16:
ups, was ist denn da passiert.. Vielen lieben Dank... hab die Schreibfehler nicht gesehen... :) Merci!!

 Teichhüpfer (17.01.19)
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