America, what can i say

Skizze zum Thema Zerrissenheit

von  DanceWith1Life

be careful, when your leaders are not
could you even stop now
what if they wanted you in rage
lose your precaution
and fall as victims to this harmful times
without even having to do much
but get you in rage.

how about millions of people
singing against violence
in honor of a man innocently killed
only on tv
no one on the streets
get them to know you know of dignity
even when they have no idea
how to even spell it properly

America, do me a favor
do not use violence against violence
you have every right to be in rage
but hold  it
get yourself together and
stand up straight
don't support violence
enough is enough
enough said from me
and forgive my interference
but I don't wanna see you bleeding
because some ignorant don't even care

Anmerkung von DanceWith1Life:

somebody has to mention this now, i hope i am not the only one.

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Kommentare zu diesem Text

 Regina (31.05.20)
Fed up with fake news Americans have now started to read the real KV literature. LG Gina

Kommentar geändert am 31.05.2020 um 02:44 Uhr
aliceandthebutterfly (36)
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