A World Of My Own

Gedankengedicht zum Thema Generationen

von  DariusTech

Living in my own world
That´s bleeding on the edge
I´m suffering the outworld
Of thornes the outer hedge

It´s not that I´m a dreamer
Oh, but I do know reality
It´s rather i can´t dream no more
There´s much too much reality
It´s rather you´re the dreamer
You don´t see what I see

It´s not true I have gone mad
And lost my common sense
That´s why I never tell
But sometimes it gets too intense
This world just makes me way too sad
And I can´t cry no more

It is not true that I can`t cope
With the world you´re living in
Do I not face it every day?
It´s just that I´m not living in
The mists that are you´re only hope
Because I saw too much

And it´s not true I don´t belong
Into this dreamworld place
I´ve just grown used to it
But it is true I´m of you´re race
Although I´m different all along
And I am not like you no more

And it is wrong that I don´t care
´Bout this worlds´ problems too
I just don´t want to save this world
Because noONE can do
And Don Quichotes  don´t get there share
Cause windmill-fights won´t do

That´s all not true, you get me wrong
You know I´m just a man
And as we are, we share our hopes
Let me say it once again
That you can´t help but get me wrong
You just don´t understand

Living in my own world
So please, don´t break my hedge
It´s better for your own world
Cause souls bleed on their edge

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