Heart Of Gingerbread

Gedicht zum Thema Trauer/Traurigkeit

von  DariusTech

Heart Of Gingerbread

The photoalbum falls apart
Old as the memories in its heart
But even now it is somewhere
Of gingerbread the heart you wear
On this old photograph
A stranger took of two in love

It wasn´t all that long ago
At least that´s what you´re memories show
You´d think the door will open soon
And he will come into the room
To ask what you are looking for
Alone up in the loft at four

But still you know that he won´t come
And you curse fate for what it´s done
It´s taken him away from you
It took the man you loved so true
That cursed heart you´re looking for
As if it brought him to you´re door

The cardboard box up at that wall
You´re helpless stumble makes it fall
And suddenly it´s in you´re hand
The pieces just as small as sand
”Forever Love” it couldn´t keep
And finally you start to weep

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 DariusTech meinte dazu am 11.11.04:
Thank you very platsch! Freut mich das es Dir gefällt.
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