
Gedankengedicht zum Thema Lebensweg

von  DariusTech

In times...
that now lie far behind
I knew there was a truth to find
In times...
that now are long ago
I used to know it isn´t so
reality is just a show
But how it was...
How should I know?

By now...
I´ve looked behind the fence
my world has changed so much
And hence...
my questions change
which isn´t strange
What frightens you...
can´t scare me off
cause it´s not true

In those days...
I used to ask
to be put on a test
to question for a quest
The quest it came...
and now just guess
it is a shame
I didn´t see
it knocked me out
And now just see...
what´s left is me

I stood up
I found my way
Did not give up
I past the test
Still on my quest
And I...
won´t sway

And now...
It gets in sight
I see the wall
The way is right
For it..
I call
to smash
to fall

The mists...
I know that they will fade
The wall...
I know its gonna fall
I won´t be blind...
The truth will shade

Anmerkung von DariusTech:

2003, heute ist es für mich wieder aktuell geworden, deswegen hole ich es wieder vor

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