demon ange

Songtext zum Thema Mensch und Tier

von  Schwarzlicht

doll house candy mandy smiles
fingers sticky on my breath
the smell of her excreted perfume
lovingly contracts my chest

she'll always be with me she says
i'm begging for this cannot be,
but candy mandy is an all star
twinkling every night for free

doll house candy mandy pushes
her head through every open door
and as i locked her out she knocks me all
out of my dreams, as out of consciousness before

doll house candy mandy smiles
she fell in silence, deeply still
in darkness patiently awaiting
my call for her infectious skills

and it's so hard not to remember
pretty sure she knows i will
tumbling drunk in daydream fashion
make me ache and thirst for thrill

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