I am freezing inside out... Since I started to remember you, I am feeling more lonely than before.
A dead star falls, he stands for the tears that won't come. No, I want cry, I can't. I want you to be proud of me, as I am making my way home. Home to you... I know I'm on the right track. But its a fucking lonely road, you know? Being so alian to this world rigt now. I could drink the black ones blood again. If there was some left... My soul was poisoned too long ago. I want to drink it, forget to say the right words and die... Remembering it all, just once again. Just for a few seconds...
This dumb and dull pain, its worse. Feeling that clear pang again must be better.
Can I return now? Have I been exiled long enough? What can I return to? Is there anything to return to? Can I be myself again? Ever? And you, are you waiting? For me, a friend or a lover?
I can't stand all those questions at the moment... And yet, they are all I cling to. My vague hold in a vague world.
I am freezing inside out. But somewhere, far far away, I can feel the warmth of your light.
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