Fuck it

Gedicht zum Thema Apokalypse

von  püttchen

Fuck it!

I do what I want

Fuck it!

I want to be gone

Fuck it!

I hate it here

Fuck it!

I want to be free

Fuck it!

It’s not what I want…

Or is it?

Fuck it!

Or is it?

Fuck it!

Or is it?

Fuck it!

Fuck it!

Fuck it!

Is it worth it?
Isn’t being good and well educated the most important thing?
Is it? Is it? Is it?
What makes you happy? What? What? What? What? What? What?


Living my life with brains or in my brain?
With thoughts or in my thoughts?
The bridge is weak…

What is living? What? What? What?

What makes a live? What? What? What?


I think I go home and watch more zombiemovies…

Fuck it!

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 TrekanBelluvitsh (23.08.16)
Why going home? Stay on the streets and look around. Zombiemovies ...
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