Skizze zum Thema Jahreszeiten

von  Pearl

The Art of being a survivor in this fucking beautiful world
The beauty of stars in the evening the beauty in what hurts
I see wet grass water sprinklers throw brilliants on its emerald green
Some kids ride bicycles the setting sun illuminates the scene
On the coast harbour ships on the beach women dress in swim suits
Some of these events are not as they seem but they still hold truth
I remember me and my mother watching Tina Turner's biopic at night
I remember eating red cherries and drinking sweet sweet wine
I remember being happy but that's of the story one half
As I was dancing with tears in my eyes under sun's mirrorball

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Kuchen (42)
(20.07.24, 21:00)
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 Pearl meinte dazu am 20.07.24 um 21:03:
Wahrheit liegt oft im Alltäglichen, dessen Zauber ich leider nicht immer wahrnehme. Manchmal schon :)

Danke Kuchen!

 hehnerdreck (20.07.24, 21:04)
Wow ... Wunder, wunder, wunderschön! Wirkt auf mich, als könnte es meinen Geist heilen. Doppel-LG  :)

 Pearl antwortete darauf am 20.07.24 um 21:09:
Das ist ein großes Kompliment :) dem das Gedicht nicht gerecht werden kann. Aber es erinnert auch mich daran, auf die Magie der vielbesagten "kleinen Events" zu achten. Sommer ist eine so schöne, kurze Jahreszeit <3 und man muss nicht an der "Costa Smeralda" oder dauernd am Pool liegen, um von seiner Schönheit zu trinken.

Liebe Grüße und Danke!


 hehnerdreck schrieb daraufhin am 20.07.24 um 21:11:
I float along the sandy beach. The people lying around seem to me to be stunned by something because they are moving so slowly. Are they aware of me? I don't know, but I'm far too preoccupied with this pleasant feeling of floating along the sandy beach - on the contrary, as those around me seem so preoccupied with their own anaesthesia, I don't believe that their glances at me have a disturbing influence on my soul. Where is it, my soul? Yes, I can feel it, a large part of it seems to be in my heart area, but it is also in other areas of my body. Am I being carried away by angels now, or is this just a dream? I don't know yet.

Inspired by you - hopefully you enjoy it!

 Pearl äußerte darauf am 20.07.24 um 21:16:
Everybody lives in his own dream, but these dreams are connected in the dream called life. I enjoy it!

 hehnerdreck ergänzte dazu am 20.07.24 um 21:21:
Sometimes the boundaries are fluid, sometimes not - so many things merge into one another.

 Pearl meinte dazu am 23.07.24 um 08:20:
Yes, no one who is true to himself wants to befriend everybody. Boundaries are important!
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