Autorin, angemeldet seit 16.03.25. Zora ist jetzt offline; zuletzt online am 17.03.2025, 01:07. Letzte Veröffentlichung am 16.03.25. Kontaktmöglichkeiten: Direktnachricht GästebuchDiese Seite: keinverlag.de/zora.kv

Zora wurde 1981 geboren. Ihre Muttersprache ist Deutsch.
Über sich selbst schreibt Zora:
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Über sich selbst schreibt Zora:
These days, publishers want to know how authors plan to find the audience for their book well before the final draft is submitted. It’s all about marketing and platform, which can be daunting and distracting. Do you write for an audience or market as a work is in progress, or does that ultimately make for a less desirable outcome? Is it better to write to please yourself?
Those critics or well-wishers who think that I could have written better than I have are flattering me. Always I have written at the top of my bent at that particular time. It may be that this or that, written five years later or one year earlier, or under different circumstances, might have been better for it.
But one writes as the opportunity and the material and the inclination shape themselves. This is certain: I never have written a line except to please myself. I never have written with an eye to what is called the public or the market or the trend or the editor or the reviewer.
Good or bad, popular or unpopular, lasting or ephemeral, the words I have put down on paper were the best words I could summon at the time to express the thing I wanted more than anything else to say.
— Edna Ferber, from A Peculiar Treasure, 1939
Zora hat bei uns bereits 1 Text veröffentlicht.Those critics or well-wishers who think that I could have written better than I have are flattering me. Always I have written at the top of my bent at that particular time. It may be that this or that, written five years later or one year earlier, or under different circumstances, might have been better for it.
But one writes as the opportunity and the material and the inclination shape themselves. This is certain: I never have written a line except to please myself. I never have written with an eye to what is called the public or the market or the trend or the editor or the reviewer.
Good or bad, popular or unpopular, lasting or ephemeral, the words I have put down on paper were the best words I could summon at the time to express the thing I wanted more than anything else to say.
— Edna Ferber, from A Peculiar Treasure, 1939
Möchtest Du wissen, was Zora gerne liest? Dann schau doch mal in ihre Favoriten oder in die Liste ihrer Lieblingsbücher!
Meinungen anderer Autoren zu Zora und ihren Texten
W-M schrieb am 16.03.25: "Ich lese hier: "Ihre Muttersprache ist Deutsch". Aber dann folgt (quasi für mich eine Art Widerspruch?!) ein langes englisches Zitat. Geht das bitte auch übersetzt, nicht jeder kann gut Englisch oder traut dem Google-Translator. So rauscht das englische Zitat nur ungelesen und unverstanden an mir vorüber. Also, eine Übersetzung wäre hilfreich, danke."
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Der neueste Text von Zora
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16.03.2025, 11:57: Klassenreisen
, Text zum Thema Urlaub/ Ferien
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