(Hat auch keinen Titel...)


von  GiraffeFolle

Do you remember
Because I indeed do remember
It was a Monday
You asked me
Will you be at home
Yes, I will be at home
I ALWAYS am at home
Sitting by the telephone
Eating by the telephone
Sleeping by the telephone
Waiting for your call

Do you remember
Because I can never forget
It was a Tuesday
You said
You’d never leave me
No, you will never leave me
You NEVER leave my mind
Thinking of you
Dreaming of you
Wanting to forget you
You enrich my boring life

Do you remember
Because I can’t believe it happened
It was a Thursday
You were here
You didn’t say much
No, there’s not much to say
There’s NOTHING LEFT to say
Walking into my life
Walking out of my life
Playing with my life
I turned when you had left and cried

Do you remember
Because I want you to remember
It was a Saturday
You came back
You said things would be all right
Yes, they will be all right
EVERYTHING will be all right
Quietly waiting
Happily waiting
Patiently waiting
You can’t cope with tears and so I smile

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