Miss You

Songtext zum Thema Beziehung

von  ian_grey

every second away from you
I miss you like the stars would do,
every minute you are not there
I feel like living a nightmare

||: 'cos I'm not there
where you are :||

every hour being alone
I want to go and create a clone
every day you're far away
it's hard not to go around and slay

||: 'cos I'm not there
where you are :||

every week you are not in
I go out and drink somethin'
every month you are not here
I invite all girls for beer [and more!]

|||: 'cos you're not there
where we are :|||

everytime you're not around
the girls in my bed make some sound
everytime you're off this city
I betray you - all of them - what a pity!


~ Juni 2003~

Anmerkung von ian_grey:

Songtext für BlackSerpent

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