a flower

Gedicht zum Thema Beobachtungen

von  DanceWith1Life

What if I send U a flower
You could not touch
and I would call it "my Love"
its for You but
You cannot touch it.
And its a sundance of colours
all sparkling in the dark of my dreams
and there is melodie
but it cannot be heard with these ears,
nor could it ever be recorded
neither can it be sold
nor can anyone buy it.
But Everybody knows it is.
We have many names for this flower
but none calls it back
when it is gone.
And we do many things to preserve it
but none of the things we do
actually protects it.
It has its own time
it has its own seasons
it has even something
that makes it only visible
to the ones we love.
It is not understood by anybody else.

And can You imagine
if we do this with our little love
what life must have been done
with the great gracious
love, it has for us
and please, don't think religious.
I guess thats why we call
life mysterious
because its only visible
to our love.
And thats why there is that saying:
the beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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