Language of the dancer.

Engagiertes Gedicht zum Thema Musik

von  DanceWith1Life

Language of the Dancer.

Did U see Love fade
i guess not
so don't trust your eyes

dive into music.

Are U Jazz enough to feel
Cool enough to stay the rhythm
Rock enough to keep the beat
Rap enough to speak it out
Blue enough to cry out loud

Music enough to dig (inside the heart)
And World-beat enough to translate it for us.
Are U Soul enough to touch us
Reggae enough to smooth & temper.
And close enough to Yourself
to sing it for us and Bring it out.
Or are U just another puppet of
a ridiculous industry.

Can we not choose character,
just for the fun of it.
And rejoice in something
that had no limitation,
since ages, since ages, since ages
we called U
sweet music.

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LeilahLilienruh (45)
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 DanceWith1Life meinte dazu am 22.12.07:
wow, jemand hat meine Liebeserklärung an die Musik gehört und verstanden, send You a warm hug. )
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