Everyone Promise

Gedankengedicht zum Thema Versprechen

von  Anantya

now you know fifteen thousand people of the square
just dance in their empty gazes
undress yourself in perfect graduation
tomorrow you will find your best friend
tomorrow you will find your soul mate
everyone promise
you'll soon reach happiness

did you not climb up this wall?
haven't you find the top of your head?
just one last step forward
just a last step more away from you
and soon you will find a sense
life has like
everyone promise

people are unadulterated, unaffected,  peculiar
serve them your advice, give your light away
never stop breathing, never faint again
set the table for two right now
just for show
kindle the candles, steal twilight density

someone started a bliss discussion
a maelstrom in your heart
fifteen thousand people look the other way
someday you'll die in any case
everyone promise
silence in your household again

everyone promise to vanish

Anmerkung von Anantya:

Das Zweite der durch die Diskussion mit meinem Freund inspirierten Gedichte
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